Q&A with the Professors of the MAYM: Part II
Q&A with Dr. Andrew Zirschky Professor & Director of the MAYM Q: How did you get to this point? What drew you to a career as a Professor of Youth Ministry? After about a decade as a youth director, I ...
Q&A with Dr. Andrew Zirschky Professor & Director of the MAYM Q: How did you get to this point? What drew you to a career as a Professor of Youth Ministry? After about a decade as a youth director, I ...
Q&A with Dr. David White, Professor of Christian Education & Youth Ministry How did you get to this point? What drew you to a career as a Professor of Youth Ministry? I was fortunate to be a teenager during the ...
We are all asking the question, “how do you know when kids are ready to talk about race and racism?” If they are asking questions, they are old enough to start talking about it. Teenagers can’t engage in social media, ...
Racism in America is a tragic reality. It is part of our history and tragically it is still evident in today’s world. As faithful Christians, we are called to fight institutionalized racism. One way to do this is to grow ...
Despite all the challenges the pandemic has presented to youth ministries, it has also created an opportunity to allow youth more involvement in worship. Although Youth Sunday will look very different this year, it is a great opportunity to empower ...
Young people need strong youth leaders now more than ever. CYMT is dedicated to investing in youth by equipping their leaders with theological education and practical youth ministry training so that they will reach more young people with the Good ...
The class of 2020 has lost so much. Graduations are canceled, and celebrations are postponed. Summer plans for college orientations, internships, and fun are on hold. For many of us, we can’t physically gather with our seniors to recognize them ...
So many of us are eager to get outside and go places right now, even those who didn’t thrive with a routine before are hungering for some sense of normalcy! While we can’t gather with our youth and families, we ...
Now, more than ever, we all need space for laughter, interaction, and engagement with youth, and what better way to create this space then through a youth ministry staple: games! However, facilitating games with youth when we cannot be physically ...
Young people need strong youth leaders now more than ever. CYMT is dedicated to investing in youth by equipping their leaders with theological education and practical youth ministry training so that they will reach more young people with the Good ...
Young people need strong youth leaders now more than ever. CYMT is dedicated to investing in youth by equipping their leaders with theological education and practical youth ministry training so that they will reach more young people with the Good ...
Last week we published chapters 1-3 of our 6-week Bible study series for your youth while they are stuck at home due to Covid-19. We’ve heard great things from youth ministers across the country in how these downloadable resources have ...
How do we continue to care for the spiritual well-being of students in the time of crisis and pandemic? Our lives have been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. We’re stuck at home and trying to create a new routine. We ...
YOU can invest in youth by investing in CYMT during CYMT’s Big Payback - Invest in Youth Day, a 24-hour online giving day. Any supporter - anywhere - can participate. Please commit to investing in youth during CYMT's Big Payback. Mark your calendar ...
“God is always fair. He will remember how you helped his people in the past and how you are still helping them. You belong to God, and he won't forget the love you have shown his people.” (Hebrews 6:10, Contemporary ...
Take some time for yourself. I’ve seen numerous youth workers and pastors post about the unrealistic expectations their supervisors have set on them during this time of crisis. Let me just say, I’m sorry. It’s not fair. You matter. You ...
Volunteers are a crucial part of any ministry. They bring passion and gifts to share. If you have volunteers that love what they are doing, and who are serving with their God given-gifts, it will be contagious to other adults ...
Brentwood, TN— The Center Youth Ministry Training (CYMT) has partnered with Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary to offer a Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree at an extension campus in Nashville, pending approval by accrediting bodies and the state of ...
Published February 25, 2020 If you want to be successful recruiting and retaining quality volunteers, there is a good chance you need to shift your perspective on your role in student ministry. I’m guessing that you got into youth ministry ...
As we continue our series on Volunteers, hear from two veteran youth workers and one real-life volunteer on how to recruit, train, celebrate, and retain volunteers better! This resource is a free download of the audio and slides from the ...