Katherine Keller, CYMT resident at Fulton First United Methodist Church, shares a moving story of faith models:
” We need to be invested in youth now more than ever because they deserve to have adults, leaders, and mentors who genuinely care for them. Think about your life. How many adults poured into you as you grew up? Who would you be without them? Youth crave relationships, not only with one another, but with adults who encourage them, challenge them, and model what faith looks like. One of the ways I have seen this the most is during our study on Spiritual Disciplines. My youth have largely grown up in the church, but our adult leaders were able to challenge them and push them further into faith. Students need permission, a nudge, to step out of their comfort zone and be bold.
Youth ministries cultivate that when partnered with the larger church family. We studied prayer for quite some time and ended our study with a night of prayer. What we did was set out a prayer chair, literally just a chair in the middle of the room. If the student needed prayer for anything at all, they could sit in the chair, no questions asked. Our leaders and students prayed over one another so personally. It was the most beautiful sight. Not only did the youth pray for each other, but the youth begged the leaders to sit in the chairs so they could be prayed for as well. The Spirit was present, filling in the words to prayers that needed to be said. There were some tears. There were most definitely smiles and everyone left that place knowing they had encountered God. This would not be possible without adults that challenge youth to be bold and model that for them.
CYMT equips leaders to do just that. Be bold. Be models. Be educated in ways to help challenge, embolden, and shape the lives of the young people we come into contact with. It is a gift and there is nothing else like it. I am so thankful for the ways CYMT has shaped my personal life as well as the ministry of Fulton First United Methodist Church. “
Will you join us in bold giving?Youth ministry residents need the THEOLOGICAL TRAINING that CYMT provides, so they can model for youth spiritual disciplines such as prayer. Your gift on May 6 will continue CYMT’s mission of sending forth theologically-grounded ministers into the world who live their lives on the firm foundation of God’s Word.
YOU can invest in youth by investing in CYMT duringCYMT’s Big Payback – Invest in Youth Day,
a 24-hour online giving day. Any supporter – anywhere – can participate. Please consider investing $25, $50, $100 or more in youth during CYMT’s Big Payback. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 6 at 6:00 PM until May 7 at 5:59 PM and give during our 24-hour giving day.