
Single in Youth Ministry: Her View

Editor's Note: This is the second in our short series "Married/Single in Youth Ministry." Meet Casey Langley. She and her cat, Phoebe, live in Fort Worth, Texas, where Casey is the Director of Youth Ministries at First United Methodist Church. ...

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Get Trained

Editor's Note: This letter is an excerpt from CYMT's book Letters to a Youth Worker, edited by Mark DeVries. Dear Theologian, Yes. You are a theologian. Anytime you open the Bible and read the scriptures, anytime you talk about God ...

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Innovative Curriculum

by Andrew Zirschky The careful balance and integration of coaching, church experience, cohort interaction, and the academic study of youth ministry are at the heart of the Center for Youth Ministry Training's (CYMT) mission to educate and equip youth ministers ...

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A Counterintuitive Pedagogy

Editor's Note: The following article is a summary of material presented at the Center for Youth Ministry Training's conference From Txt2Speech: Proclaiming scripture to youth in a digital age, held Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2012 in Nashville, Tenn. by ...

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From Txt2Speech: An Overview

by Laura Larsen The first major conference hosted by the Center for Youth Ministry Training, From Txt2Speech, held at Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, November 29 through December 1, 2012 was not to be missed. Focused on how to proclaim ...

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Seeing God in Color

by Samantha Tidball Recently, I had a conversation with someone about his understanding of the function of church. He told me that he once heard a preacher say that the church is about saving souls. This preacher believes that if ...

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Serving in Lake Wobegon

I live in Lake Wobegon, where all the men are good-looking, the women are strong, and the children above average. Or at least, that's what you'd think if you just glanced in on a given Sunday morning. To the common ...

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5 Keys to Volunteer Recruitment

Great youth ministry volunteers who passionately care for students, help plan events, teach, and disciple are the common thread among every good youth ministry. If you struggle to find these amazing people, then take some comfort knowing that many other youth ministers ...

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Spring 2013 CYMT Overview

The Center for Youth Ministry Training is jumping back into full swing this January after a wonderful holiday season. We were excited by the Kingdom work done at all our partner churches. As we head into a new semester, we ...

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