The Center for Youth Ministry Training is jumping back into full swing this January after a wonderful holiday season. We were excited by the Kingdom work done at all our partner churches. As we head into a new semester, we wanted to give you a brief overview of upcoming important dates.
First, we want to make sure everyone has the right dates for this Spring’s retreats. We also recently updated the website to include a calendar of retreats through 2015.

Spring Retreat Calendar

January 30 – February 2, 2013: Spring Retreat 1
March 14-16, 2013: Spring Retreat 2
April 18-20, 2013: Spring Retreat 3
May 9-11, 2013: Elective Youth Ministry Summit
May 18, 2013: Memphis Theological Seminary’s Commencement Service
This Spring our residents will again be engaged in rigorous theological reflection and practical skill development. Below you will find the Spring semester courses. Our Spring Contemporary Issues in Youth Ministry course will take place in conjunction with the North Alabama Conference’s Method Youth Ministry Conference May 11-13 at Sumatanga Camp in Alabama. Michael Novelli will be our guest presenter at the event along with CYMT staff and coaches. We will get more information out to you after the first of the year. We hope you will consider bringing your volunteer staff to this event.


Introduction to New Testament—All Residents

Instructor: Dr. Mitzi Minor
This course provides a study of the content and nature of the writings of the New Testament in their historical, cultural, literary, social, political, and canonical contexts in order to gain knowledge and skills in interpreting and appropriating biblical interpretations for modern life. (Prerequisites: Introduction to Interpreting the Old Testament.  Meetings: On retreat, Jan. 30-Feb. 2 / March 14-16 / April 18-20 and in discussion groups on Feb. 7, Feb. 21, March 7, March 28, April 11, April 25. )

Youth Minister as Pastor and Leader—2nd Year Residents

Instructor: Rev. Andrew Zirschky
This course is an introduction to various roles played by the youth leader in ministering to the spiritual, personal and social needs of adolescents in congregational and parachurch settings. First, we will explore the role of youth minister as pastor and caregiver as we gain an understanding of the development and specific needs of contemporary American youth. We will also explore the role of the youth leader in “equipping the saints” through examining the theological foundations of Christian leadership, personal leadership styles, and group communication dynamics. (Prerequisites: This course is open to students who have completed Youth Ministry Practicum 1 & 2. Meetings: On retreat, Jan. 30-Feb. 2 / March 14-16 / April 18-20 and in discussion groups on Feb. 14, Feb. 18, Feb. 28, March 4, March 21, March 25, April 4.)

Formation for Ministry 2—1st Year Residents

Instructor: MTS Staff
Spiritual formation for ministry and the integration of theological education with family life, church, and the larger community are essential for development as Christian servant leaders. Credit for this class is earned over a period of the first, second, and last semesters of the student’s degree program. This class will help ground participants in covenants of accountability that lead to lifelong theological learning, holy friendships and a set of practices that will sustain pastoral excellence throughout their lives. Participants will explore major themes of Christian life and leadership, including: Being and Becoming a Beloved Child of God, God’s Dream for the World, Wholeness and Health, Building Relationships and Learning to Live in Solidarity With Those Made Poor and/or Marginal in Society, Keeping the Sabbath, Power, Money, Building the Beloved Community, Call, and Discipleship Over the Long Haul. (This course is required for all first-year graduate residents. Meetings: On retreat, Jan. 30-Feb. 2 / March 14-16 / April 18-20.)

Formation for Ministry 3—3rd Year Residents

Instructor: Rev. Dietrich Kirk
Spiritual formation for ministry and the integration of theological education with family life, church and the larger community are essential for development as Christian servant leaders. Credit for this class is earned over a period of the first, second, and last semesters of the student’s degree program. This class will help ground participants in covenants of accountability that lead to lifelong theological learning, holy friendships, and a set of practices that will sustain pastoral excellence throughout their lives. Participants will explore major themes of Christian life and leadership, including: Being and Becoming a Beloved Child of God, God’s Dream for the World, Wholeness and Health, Building Relationships and Learning to Live in Solidarity With Those Made Poor and/or Marginal in Society, Keeping the Sabbath, Power, Money, Building the Beloved Community, Call, and Discipleship Over the Long Haul.  (This course is only open to third-year graduate residents. Meetings: On retreat, Jan. 30-Feb. 2 / March 14-16 / April 18-20.)

YM02764: Contemporary Issues in Youth Ministry

Instructor: Rev. Andrew Zirschky
An investigation of a current topic of discussion in the field of youth ministry through engagement in a national or regional youth ministry event with additional guided course hours and readings in the topic.  This course is repeatable with unique topics investigated at each offering. (Prerequisites: None. Meetings: On retreat, May 9-11, 2012 near Birmingham, AL.

Youth Ministry Practicum 2—1st Year Residents

Instructor: Rev. Dietrich Kirk
Students will gain in-the-trenches youth ministry experience by serving in a local church as a part of their practicum experience. The program is designed to all students to work full- or part-time as a youth minister during their education allowing them to put all the pieces together—everything they learn from peers in their cohort, the professors in the classroom, and from their coach. (Prerequisites: Youth Ministry Practicum 1. Meetings: On retreat, Jan. 30-Feb. 2 / March 14-16 / April 18-20.)