
How2: Prepare to Teach Well

Teaching youth is a major part of any youth ministry and whether you are teaching yourself or equipping others who will teach, preparation is essential. Follow these steps to be well prepared to teach youth or adults. Being well prepared ...

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"Pro" Youth Minister

In this final installment of the this three-part series on being a professional youth minister, I want to take a look at what makes someone a "pro" youth minister. What does a "pro" youth minister do well? Professional athletes do ...

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CYMT has been a blessing

by Philip Galyon Hello! My name is Philip Galyon and am a second year graduate resident at the Center for Youth Ministry Training. I serve as the youth minister at First UMC in West Memphis, Ark. I also believe that ...

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Investor Update 7.18.13 – New Beginnings

Faithful CYMT Investors, In May, CYMT celebrated the graduation of its sixth class of youth ministers!  Six of our eight graduates were hired by their partner churches to continue to lead their youth ministries. Additionally, Erin Hicks is headed to ...

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Fall 2013 Courses

The following courses will be offered by Memphis Theological Seminary for all CYMT graduate residents enrolled in the Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree program during the fall semester of the 2013-2014 school year. Please note the dates and ...

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Most Useful Apps for Youth Ministry

We polled our graduate residents, our alumni, and our coaches on their go-to, most useful apps and programs for doing youth ministry, and here are their favorites: Administrative Evernote—use the cloud to your advantage: create and work on different documents ...

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