CYMT Stories

Single in Youth Ministry: His View

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth in our short series “Married/Single in Youth Ministry.” Meet Jason Sansbury Jason (far right in picture) is the Director of Youth Ministries at Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Franklin, Tenn. His mom lives in ...

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CYMT well-represented at Warmth in Winter 2013

Warmth in Winter is an annual youth event organized by the Tennessee Conference Young People’s Ministries of the United Methodist Church for the Middle Tennessee area churches. This year's three-day event was themed “Something Beautiful” and was held in Murfreesboro ...

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Investor Update 2.7.13

Friends, Thank you for your investment in the Center for Youth Ministry Training. God continues to do amazing things in and through our ministry. We just returned from our first spring retreat, during which our graduate residents shared some of ...

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Single in Youth Ministry: Her View

Editor's Note: This is the second in our short series "Married/Single in Youth Ministry." Meet Casey Langley. She and her cat, Phoebe, live in Fort Worth, Texas, where Casey is the Director of Youth Ministries at First United Methodist Church. ...

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Serving in Lake Wobegon

I live in Lake Wobegon, where all the men are good-looking, the women are strong, and the children above average. Or at least, that's what you'd think if you just glanced in on a given Sunday morning. To the common ...

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Spring 2013 CYMT Overview

The Center for Youth Ministry Training is jumping back into full swing this January after a wonderful holiday season. We were excited by the Kingdom work done at all our partner churches. As we head into a new semester, we ...

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What is a Graduate Resident?

At the very heart of the Center for Youth Ministry Training's mission to develop theologically formed and practically effective youth ministries is our graduate residency program. Our graduate residency program creates a whole-person learning environment by nurturing residents academically in the ...

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Investor Update 11.15.12

Thank you for investing in the mission and vision of the Center for Youth Ministry Training! God continues to do amazing things through CYMT as we impact the Kingdom one youth ministry at a time. With 31 graduate residents working ...

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CYMT Orientation 2012

The Center for Youth Ministry Training's Graduate Residency jumped into full swing August 6-9, 2012, with our orientation and first academic retreat of the year. This retreat laid the foundation for our community and training for the rest of the ...

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Investor Update 8.14.12

Welcome to the new Center for Youth Ministry Training Investor Update! God is doing so many amazing things in and through the CYMT that they simply will not all fit in our two bi-annual newsletters, so we decided that we ...

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