CYMT’s Graduate Residency in Youth Ministry
Theological education and practical training for today’s youth minister – providing a full-tuition seminary scholarship, on-the-job training, and personal coaching.
Comprehensive training for the modern youth minister.
How It Works
Gain the biblical and theological expertise you need to design and engage in ministry programs that help young people develop a deep, life-changing Christian faith. Unlike traditional degree formats, classroom learning for the MAYM degree takes place over Intensives where students travel to the Austin Seminary campus or Nashville extension a few times a semester.
Join a group of fellow residents from the same area and move through the program together. Your fellow classmates will support and walk alongside you during your 3 years at CYMT and beyond. Gain a richness and depth to your learning as you experience the multiple, diverse perspectives of your peers.
Receive consistent, personalized coaching from a CYMT-trained, veteran minister. Your coach will help you develop your ministry skills, challenge you to grow, and hold you accountable while supporting you. They will help you manage the day-to-day challenges of ministry like how to disciple difficult kids, how to balance ministry, school, and life, and how to best lead your volunteer team.

Communities of Faith
When we say communities of faith, we mean parts of the Church universal. CYMT partners with the communities of faith who are a part of the Body of Christ, to place residents to serve as a youth minister. CYMT Residents serve the Church through a variety of ministry settings, ranging from camp ministries to nonprofits, to traditional church settings. Regardless of the ministry setting, it will be an avenue for teenagers to experience the love of Jesus Christ, be formed in faith, and serve God.

Receive the spiritual and pastoral support you need to live and lead effectively. Learn how to fill your tank so that you are not serving on empty. CYMT knows that ministry is hard so we want to teach you self-care so that you can stay in ministry for the long haul.Choose Your Residency Track: Job Placement or Professional Education
Job Placement
Job placement in a ministry setting that best matches your personal calling.
For the next 3 years, you will learn on-the-job. You will be working 25 hours a week to serve the youth of that community of faith while earning your MAYM degree. Your placement might be in a traditional church congregation or a non-traditional setting such as a camp or community non-profit. Many of our residents go on to be employed full-time by their partner ministry after their residency is complete.
- Job + $1,000 a month stipend
- Housing & utilities (provided by your partner ministry)
- Coaching
- Tuition, books, travel, & all educational expenses
Cost: The total cost to residents of the Job Placement track program, if accepted, is a one-time $2,000 residency fee + a $50 application fee.
Residency Fee Discount: Accepted Job Placement track candidates who apply early receive:
- By November 15th – $500 off their residency fee
- By January 15th – $250 off their residency fee
Partner Ministries: The remaining cost for your Graduate Residency is paid for by the ministry where you serve and by generous donors who support CYMT. Click Here to learn more about our Partner Ministry Placement Program.
If accepted, CYMT will match you with a partner ministry that best matches your gifts, personality, and theology.
Professional Education
Practical training in your current ministry setting.
Unlike those on the Job Placement track, you will stay in your position at your current ministry, where we will come alongside you for additional training and personal coaching. CYMT will partner with your church or ministry to help you develop an innovative, effective, and theologically-informed youth ministry. You will personally receive practical training and theological education as you earn your Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree.
Cost: The total cost for the Professional Education track is $30,000 paid over 3 years. You or your employer pay a monthly fee to CYMT that covers all of your Graduate Residency expenses. We highly recommend asking your church or ministry to make an investment in your education by covering your Graduate Residency costs.
Benefits: CYMT is seminary plus so much more. For less than the cost of tuition at most seminaries, your fees will cover and provide:
- Tuition
- Books & Seminary Fees
- Travel to/from Intensives
- Room & Board on Intensives
- Professional Coaching
In addition to your Residency fees, there are two application fees:
- Individual Applicant = $50
- Partner Ministry Fee = $350
Total Professional Education Track cost for all 3 years = $30,000 + application fees
Job Placement
Job placement in a ministry setting that best matches your personal calling.
For the next 3 years, you will learn on-the-job. You will be working 25 hours a week to serve the youth of that community of faith while earning your MAYM degree. Your placement might be in a traditional church congregation or a non-traditional setting such as a camp or community non-profit. Many of our residents go on to be employed full-time by their partner ministry after their residency is complete.
- Job + $1,000 a month stipend
- Housing & utilities (provided by your partner ministry)
- Coaching
- Tuition, books, travel, & all educational expenses
Cost: The total cost to residents of the Job Placement track program, if accepted, is a one-time $2,000 residency fee + a $50 application fee.
Residency Fee Discount: Accepted Job Placement track candidates who apply early receive:
- By November 15th – $500 off their residency fee
- By January 15th – $250 off their residency fee
Partner Ministries: The remaining cost for your Graduate Residency is paid for by the ministry where you serve and by generous donors who support CYMT. Click Here to learn more about our Partner Ministry Placement Program.
If accepted, CYMT will match you with a partner ministry that best matches your gifts, personality, and theology.
Professional Education
Practical training in your current ministry setting.
Unlike those on the Job Placement track, you will stay in your position at your current ministry, where we will come alongside you for additional training and personal coaching. CYMT will partner with your church or ministry to help you develop an innovative, effective, and theologically-informed youth ministry. You will personally receive practical training and theological education as you earn your Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree.
Cost: The total cost for the Professional Education track is $30,000 paid over 3 years. You or your employer pay a monthly fee to CYMT that covers all of your Graduate Residency expenses. We highly recommend asking your church or ministry to make an investment in your education by covering your Graduate Residency costs.
Benefits: CYMT is seminary plus so much more. For less than the cost of tuition at most seminaries, your fees will cover and provide:
- Tuition
- Books & Seminary Fees
- Travel to/from Intensives
- Room & Board on Intensives
- Professional Coaching
In addition to your Residency fees, there are two application fees:
- Individual Applicant = $50
- Partner Ministry Fee = $350
Total Professional Education Track cost for all 3 years = $30,000 + application fees
Grow into the youth minister God called you to be.
Innovative, practical and theologically-grounded, the Graduate Residency in Youth Ministry will help you grow. Be equipped to innovate new ways to minister with youth. Study and learn so you can engage youth in deep, theological reflection about God. Practice youth ministry so God can use you to invite youth on a journey of faith.
Why Youth Ministry?
Youth ministry is an investment in the lives of young people. It is an avenue for teenagers to experience the love of Jesus Christ, be formed in faith, and serve God. Youth Ministry creates Christian community, safe-spaces, and an environment for spiritual growth and development.
What is a Youth Minister?
CYMT believes that a youth minister is anyone who actively engages and invests in the lives of young people. Our mission is to develop professional Youth Ministers whose vocation is to serve youth in all sorts of ministry contexts: traditional church congregations, non-profits, camps, and community centers.
Watch Kat Bair share more about her experience as a CYMT Resident!
Admissions Team
Nick Guerra
Admissions & Services Director
Join us for Exploratory Weekend!
Our CYMT ‘Exploratory Weekends’ are exciting opportunities for interested individuals to learn more about CYMT by experiencing the residency in real-time during one of our academic intensives. These weekends help individuals discern whether CYMT is the right next step in their journey and to connect with current residents, professors, and alumni. Click below to explore the upcoming dates, schedules, and to register!