YOU can invest in youth by investing in CYMT during CYMT’s Big Payback – Invest in Youth Day,
a 24-hour online giving day. Any supporter – anywhere – can participate. Please commit to investing in youth during CYMT’s Big Payback. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 6 at 6:00 PM until May 7 at 5:59 PM and give during our 24-hour giving day. Join us on May 6th for CYMT’s Big Payback-Invest in Youth Day
a 24-hour online giving day. Any supporter – anywhere – can participate. Please commit to investing in youth during CYMT’s Big Payback. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 6 at 6:00 PM until May 7 at 5:59 PM and give during our 24-hour giving day. Join us on May 6th for CYMT’s Big Payback-Invest in Youth Day
Young people need strong youth leaders now more than ever. CYMT is dedicated to investing in youth by equipping their leaders with theological education and practical youth ministry training so that they will reach more young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Why do we need to invest in youth now more than ever?
According to one recent study, almost 40 percent of teens report high levels of loneliness. Feelings of isolation is why one of CYMT’s residents, Aymara Albury, is using ministry to connect teens and older generations to each other. The result? Joy and meaningful relationships!
“We should invest in youth now more than ever because as a generation, they are lonelier than they’ve ever been; and they are not the only generation to feel that way. The silent generation and baby boomers are experiencing the same thing. The below story reveals how the love of Christ can be made known by bringing these generations together in a common space. Mac is a widow from my congregation who started making handcrafted greeting cards because she was dissatisfied with the ones available in the local stores. As she shared this gift with me, I asked if she would be willing to share her talent with our senior high students. She said she would be delighted to! One Sunday in mid-November Mac joined our senior high youth group students and taught them how to make handcrafted greeting cards. She also joined in our conversation during dinner. As we all shared our highs and lows for the week, we began to see how despite our age difference and season in life we all shared similar concerns about being lonely. For most of the students, this was their first encounter with Mac. But for those who attend the 8 am service that she frequents, it was an opportunity to have a conversation with her. Since then, during the exchange of peace, Mac is the first person they head over to see, give a gentle hug and ask how she’s doing.” – Aymara Albury, CYMT Resident
Youth leaders need the PRACTICAL TRAINING that CYMT provides, so they can walk into ministry fully equipped to help youth with life’s difficulties. Your gift on May 6 will continue CYMT’s mission of training youth ministers to address the spiritual and emotional needs of today’s teens, offering the assurance that as beloved children of God they are never alone.
Will you commit to investing in youth like the ones lead by Aymara?

RSVP to CYMT’s 24 hr Online Giving Day