
Partner Church Focus: Forest Hills UMC

Forest Hills United Methodist Church is a model church for how the CYMT program has impacted their congregation. Forest Hills United Methodist Church in Brentwood, Tenn., became a partner church with CYMT in 2009 when the Youth and Children’s Ministry ...

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Called to Youth Ministry

“During my senior year of college, finishing my bachelors degree in Commercial Art: Graphic Design, more strongly than ever before, God was calling me into ministry. I was scared at the thought because I didn’t exactly know where God was ...

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CYMT Resident likes the Challenge

Emma Loane likes a challenge. She has faced a few in following God's plan for her life. Emma is a new student in the CMYT program. She had known that God was calling her to mission and ministry for awhile, ...

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David – West Memphis

In my experience, I have found the leadership of CYMT to be committed, focused, and professional.  But most importantly, they are "sold out" to ministry to youth, and are dedicated to enabling those who want to it their life's work. I truly believe God ...

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John – Maples Memorial

After discovering the mission/purpose of our youth ministry, CYMT and their students are providing additional stability, consistency and creativity.  Our goal is to have sustainable youth ministry for generations to come!  With CYMT’s investment, we are confident that sustainability is ...

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Ed Myers – Lutheran

"Through the CYMT, our congregation, and Harry working together, God is doing some amazing things.   Harry's faith and ability were never in question, but the CYMT has helped him develop the skills and abilities God has given him at a ...

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Jim Hughes – FHUMC

“Our partnership with CYMT has been nothing but positive.  We were fortunate to have a husband and wife team who are doing youth and children’s ministry.   Chris and Joanna Cummings have met and exceeded our expectations.  They have contributed in ...

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Courtney Quote

"Upon graduating from college with a degree in Youth Ministry, I had a great deal of knowledge about Biblical studies and Youth Ministry but lacked the confidence gained from experience to actually begin a vocation in the field. I wanted ...

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Sam Quote

"CYMT is a program that finally understands the importance of training and equipping youth ministers before throwing them into the church without any direction. In fact, it is more than a program. It is a place where I am mentored ...

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Sara Quote

"My coach Lesleigh has been a great help during my first year as a youth director. She encourages me with times of prayer and has helped me navigate some of the workings of the church." "Our classes really force me ...

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