
What is a Graduate Resident?

At the very heart of the Center for Youth Ministry Training's mission to develop theologically formed and practically effective youth ministries is our graduate residency program. Our graduate residency program creates a whole-person learning environment by nurturing residents academically in the ...

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Advantageous Advent

Advent is the season of preparation and anticipation of the Christ Child.  Christmas is the day we celebrate that God became Emmanuel and lived among us.  At most churches, youth ministers have less responsibilities during the Advent season, so stop ...

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Joining God’s Work

Dear Youthworker, First, I think congratulations are in order. You’ve either just gotten this job or somehow survived in it for these last several months and years. Both deserve a hearty “congrats,” and, if we were face to face, a ...

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Investor Update 11.15.12

Thank you for investing in the mission and vision of the Center for Youth Ministry Training! God continues to do amazing things through CYMT as we impact the Kingdom one youth ministry at a time. With 31 graduate residents working ...

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