
An Interview with CYMT Coach Sunny Ridings

What led you to coaching at CYMT?  Lesleigh Carmichael, CYMT Director of Coaching, is a mentor to me in youth ministry.  Back when I was an intern at Woodmont Christian Church in Nashville during my time at Vanderbilt Divinity School, ...

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Investor Update 2.26.13 – It's Hard

Friends, Your investment in the Center for Youth Ministry Training continues to pay huge dividends and we are grateful for your support. Recently, I was presenting the CYMT partner church program to a church in West Tennessee. As folks were ...

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Married in Youth Ministry: The Veterans

Editor’s Note: This is the last in our short series “Married/Single in Youth Ministry.” Meet Bob and Kris Konsowitz. Kris is the Director of Ministries with Young People at Collierville United Methodist Church, outside Memphis, Tenn., and Bob is a ...

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4 Ways to Celebrate Seniors

Every year, we have an opportunity to create rites of passage that celebrate our high school seniors and propel them forward into their unknown futures. Senior celebrations happen across the country during this time of the year. At some churches, ...

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Evolution, not Revolution!

"Liberté, égalité, fraternité!" was the cry of the French Revolutionists. They wanted liberty, equality, and brotherhood for all people. (Do you hear the people sing?) I've seen many youth ministers try to start their own revolutions under banners like: Out with the ...

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Hurry Up and Move Slowly!

As youth ministers, we often serve as change agents. We begin ministry young, idealistic, eager, and often arrogant. We work in churches that have become disconnected with the culture in which they live and we know that they need to ...

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Single in Youth Ministry: His View

Editor’s Note: This is the fourth in our short series “Married/Single in Youth Ministry.” Meet Jason Sansbury Jason (far right in picture) is the Director of Youth Ministries at Bethlehem United Methodist Church in Franklin, Tenn. His mom lives in ...

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Counter-Cultural Adolescence

by Mike Langford We've heard it. We've said it. And when we were teenagers, we lived it. Adolescence is really hard. Adolescence is not hard merely because of the particular cognitive, social, ideological, cultural, and physical challenges faced during that ...

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Going Nowhere? Get a MAP

Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18) I've used this scripture every time I've met with a church to do vision planning. However, I have met with a lot of churches without a vision and none of ...

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Keeping and Motivating Your Volunteers

Volunteers, a precious resource we can't afford to lose. —Denise Penn Do your volunteers know how much you appreciate them? They should. Lack of volunteer appreciation is a major reason for high turnover rates among volunteers, and appreciation can be directly tied ...

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CYMT well-represented at Warmth in Winter 2013

Warmth in Winter is an annual youth event organized by the Tennessee Conference Young People’s Ministries of the United Methodist Church for the Middle Tennessee area churches. This year's three-day event was themed “Something Beautiful” and was held in Murfreesboro ...

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Investor Update 2.7.13

Friends, Thank you for your investment in the Center for Youth Ministry Training. God continues to do amazing things in and through our ministry. We just returned from our first spring retreat, during which our graduate residents shared some of ...

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