May is the busiest month at the Center for Youth Ministry Training. Graduate Residents are finishing up final papers for classes while finalizing summer plans. Our coaches have been traveling to each of our 13 graduates churches to commission them to the work and service of youth ministry. Commencement services have taken place at Memphis Theological Seminary. Our staff has been busy launching one group of youth ministers out of the nest. We have to get them out of here because a new bunch is on their way.
May is also the month where we introduce new residents to their partner churches. Coaches and staff are hard at work making preparation for the new graduate residents to arrive. So in the midst of saying goodbye, we are also saying hello.
There is a beautiful dynamic and tension created by the two in the chaos. As one group graduates with confidence, another arrives with fears and uncertainty. One group leaves having made friends for life, the other arrives not knowing anyone. One group arrives thinking they know the answers, while the other group leaves knowing that they don’t. Both groups, however, share a calling and belief that God wants to use them to change the world through the power of the Holy Spirit.
For the CYMT staff, May is simply nuts and in the middle of all the craziness we are reminded of exactly why we do what we do. On our recent educational retreat, Dr. Andrew Zirschky reminded our residents why we train, educate, and form them as youth ministers. He said, “We don’t invest $90,000 and our time and efforts into you so that you will be able to get a better job. We invest in you so that you can change the world.”
We are approaching the end of our fiscal year on June 30. We are wrapping up a tremendous year and preparing for another one. If you have not invested in CYMT’s mission during the past year, please do so. Your gift will make a real difference in changing the world as we prepare youth ministers and churches to reach young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ!
Serving Christ,
Dietrich “Deech” Kirk
P.S. Watch your email for a very exciting announcement in the coming weeks!