CYMT’s Class of 2016
It is hard to believe that in seven short years, the Center for Youth Ministry has trained more than 70 youth ministers. We have 32 youth ministers currently in the program and 40 alumni who are serving churches. Seventy youth ministers is fantastic, but it is the exponential impact that each of these youth ministers will have over the life time of their ministry that is really exciting.
An average full-time youth minister at an average church will grow a youth ministry to 40-50 active youth. Each youth ministry will graduate an average of eight seniors from their programs each year. This means over the lifetime of their ministries each youth minister we train will minister to around 400 youth. Those who work at larger churches will minister to even more young people, but 400 lives touched by the love of Christ is monumental.
CYMT creates an exponential impact as we train more and more youth ministers. Today, we conservatively estimate that current CYMT graduates and our alumni have impacted the lives of more than 4,000 youth and young adults who are in or who have graduated from CYMT youth ministries. When we forecast the impact that CYMT will have through 2020, the number of lives impacted jumps to almost 15,000 and in 2026 on our 20th anniversary the forecast is nearly 30,000 lives.
Thank you for your investment in the CYMT program. Your support is producing a huge dividend! CYMT’s budget must provide an additional $4,000 per graduate resident in the program per year. For more information about investing in this Kingdom ministry, visit
