Practical Youth Ministry

In One Ear and Out the Other

by Taylor Young Editor’s Note: This post is a product of the Communicating the Gospel to Youth class, taught by Dr. Andrew Zirschky as part of CYMT’s Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree program through Memphis Theological Seminary. When ...

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Ministry Through Rejection

Editor's Note: This was originally posted on Katie's personal blog, Daily Impressions, and is reprinted here with permission. by Katie Kavanaugh I love my job. No really, I usually say that with no hint of sarcasm at least once a ...

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Fundraising 101

Fundraising is a reality for 99% of youth ministries in the country. At my first youth ministry job, I inherited the tradition of having a monthly potato bar lunch after the 11 a.m. service. I hated this fundraiser. It wasn't ...

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9 Great Fundraisers

Some people would have you believe that a great fundraiser is solely determined by the amount of money you raise. I am not one of those folks, although I do believe that "bang for your buck" is one of the ...

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Start Your Own "Fan Club"

Editor's Note: This article originally appeared on the author's blog Large Church Ministry. An edited version appears here with permission. by David Thompson Being in ministry at a large church means we have a lot of students and a lot ...

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