Practical Youth Ministry

Lesson Three: Passing on the Faith

Most religious teens in the United States appear to engage in few religious practices. But even basic practices like regular Bible reading and personal prayer seem clearly associated with stronger and deeper faith commitment among youth.[1] —Christian Smith with Melinda ...

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I can't or I don't want to?

"My dad always said, '99% of I can't is I don't want to!'" said Bishop Jonathan Holston during his jurisdictional conference interviews. As a side note, he quoted his dad three times in a 20 minute interview; clearly his dad ...

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The Gospel as Currency

by Deech Kirk What's the difference between going to Home Depot and Ace Hardware (or your local co-op)? What about Chili's versus a local diner? And some would say between going to your local mega church and a small country ...

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by Jacob Fasig One of the most important core values in youth ministry is about expectations. In fact the youth ministry in which you serve will only be as deep, as committed, and as faithful as your expectations. If your ...

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