
From Resolutions to Relationships

By Stephen Ingram I don’t do CrossFit. I’m more of a racquetball then hit the sauna workout kind of guy. Even though I do not do CrossFit myself, it is not from a lack of effort from many of my ...

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Don’t Prop Doors, Reach Outside of Them

By Rhys Ferguson It is that time of the year. The five advent candles have been lit and put out, the presents under the tree have been unwrapped, the trips to far off places (and places just around the corner) ...

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Growing and Maintaining After the Holidays

By Laura Provence My first holiday season at my new church felt like a Christmas miracle. After struggling to maintain our large numbers from the Summer and early Fall, our Sunday night attendance quadrupled for our Christmas Party. These numbers ...

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Christian Hospitality is not Hilton Hospitality

By Andrew Zirschky, Ph.D. As the calendar year rolls over, many families see opportunities for new beginnings and restarts as they consider returning to church or finding a new one. For youth workers, this inevitably leads to evaluating and retooling ...

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